Sunday, March 2, 2014

Video: Nintendo Minute Digs For Details on Shovel Knight With Sean Velasco

Finding that retro balance
As the weeks pass we're certainly getting closer to some enticing eShop releases, one of which isShovel Knight on the Wii U and 3DS eShop. Having succeeded in the crowdfunding arena Yacht Club Games is approaching its début, with 31st March the confirmed target release date.
There's been plenty of positivity around the action platformer, with the increasing footage raising the level of anticipation for a number of gamers; Nintendo exclusive features utilising StreetPass on 3DS and Miiverse on Wii U are also highly encouraging.
In the final part of its indie developer video series, Nintendo Minute has now released the full interview that was briefly seen in the most recent North American Nintendo Direct broadcast. Sean Velasco chats about the design philosophy behind the game and outlines the Wii U usage of Miiverse, among other things.
Check it out and let us know if you're planning to pick up Shovel Knight on either the Wii U or 3DS.

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